2020: What I'm seeing in our world

Here is what I’m seeing.

I’ve had visions of the current situation since I was little. Never completely comprehending what I was seeing and now putting the pieces together.

The veil between worlds have been getting thinner with every notable astrological alignment and collective attention towards it. Especially in the last few years.

The speed of change, self evolution and growth has been quickening. (Have you noticed the catchy new age words that have been thrown around the last few years?)

Right now we are seeing the extremes of elements. And that is impacting every single person on the planet. Australia is the continent of fire and it is so in its extremes right now it’s become quite scary.

The thing about this world though is that balance is always found between the elements. When one goes into extreme, the others will naturally follow.

Everyone is going through the element of fire. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Fire is the ignitor and drives passion, desire, all consuming rage, anger, and action.

I’m observing everyone from clients, people expressing on socials and collectively going through fire. It is all consuming and very hard to escape.

There has been so much tragedy and loss, it is incomprehensible.

People’s actions and inactions are being seen and I really hope they are not forgotten when the fires calm all the way down.

We are living in a system of control and misperception that is quite unbelievable to witness.

I am seeing extremes of views and opinions. The reality is so damn warped and censored we don’t know what to think, feel or do anymore.

My beliefs are my beliefs and I don’t expect anyone else to view the world in the way I do because no one else can. We all have different views because we are all different mirrors in a giant mirror ball, refracting and reflecting this world through our own individual experiences.

We have certain expectations of the people leading and they are clearly not being met. This has brought on some hard truths that have been hard to swallow for a lot of people.

Sydney Bushfires Protest.jpg

Basic human rights in Australia have been silently taken away over time. The land and its resources have been ravaged and (in my belief) the Earth is showing us the extent of it and the effects. Maybe it’s not really about what we believe, rather can we pull ourselves into our human bodies long enough to see what we are doing to our home and each other? How much we have been played and how enslaved we still are.

You have a right to be on the planet. You have human rights that go beyond the laws in place. You have an inherent right to be and belong here. You are wanted and loved. We get pulled out of this belief with self doubt and disturbing experiences we go through but you have a strong contract with this Earth that no one or nothing can break.

The intensity and longevity of the fires has dismantled the security net a lot of us had with our home. Maybe it is enough to bring change and radical revolution. Putting such high value in the things we collect and buy, or in the opinions and judgements of others, now looks a little crazy. Overvaluing the things we leave behind when we leave this planet. Rather the fires have brought the values of family, community, and survival responses right to the forefront. Fake and distracting posts on social media, marketing for weight-loss and obscure gadgets, anything clearly trying to win me over has really started to annoy me.

The web of distractions and blame are so in the spotlight right now. The tactics of media and how they have manipulated the collective are in full swing. Emotional coding is through everything and a lot of self-interested parties are using the situation to pull the collective into more control and chaos. This has been happening for such a long time and it’s coming to the surface and appears so obvious right now.

Things are not going to go back to the way they were because it physically can’t.

We may lose more human rights and freedoms and I really hope we don’t.

I feel this is the time to lose all hope in any governance. The illusion that they had the people as their priority is dying. Yes there are good people in these systems trying to do the best for all people but it is in a system that does not work. There is little communication between teams and different parts of the government. Nothing overseeing the way it is run. Creating apathetic and exhausted citizens with no other options.

This is the system breaking down. This is people stepping up. Whether you make the governance the enemy or not, they are representing the aspects of ourselves that for generations has handed over our power to outside influence in the hope of protection and order.

Here is what I see for the immediate future. I see the Earth’s responses getting louder and more impactful. The elements will all have their moment to their extremes and we will have no other choice but to listen. Individual people will pull together and support each other as we do in times of crisis and unknown. I see the healers, empaths and creatives being able to provide much more resources for creative thinking and observing our collective next steps and leading the way.

I see the distractions losing their power because we won’t have the capacity or need to listen to them. They will no longer be needed for our collective and individual growth. We will get more comfortable with the unknown and that will open up a lot more communication and trust with the world. Humanity is extremely resourceful and capable of change because we are adaptable and hold the capacity of the universe to love.

Everyone is playing a part. I once believed that to be the whole truth. I now see the part of our evolution where our individual choices and trust are at the forefront. We no longer need to buy into the story of it being hard to shift, the pain and struggle has always come from the resistance to flow and ease. Once you completely trust and surrender, it all just magically works, like you’re falling into another world of resources and lores.

The reality of man has been birthed from the prescription to suppress the signals of change. Pain for example has been taught to us as something to fear and it needs to be removed because it is telling you something is wrong. True that it is telling you something is wrong however it can not be ignored. We have been programmed so much with our body that we believe you can only have two sensations, pain or pleasure. A positive or negative feed-back system. The body is a machine and it is reduced to nothing more than meat with no sovereignty or intelligence.

This is so far from the reality of our bodies. Our bodies are the most advanced technology of the entire universe. And we live in it. I sometimes refer to it as the Human Biological Earth Astronaut Suit. The system that makes the rules for how we treat and respond to the body have been hijacked by emotionless gods believing they know more than the most advanced technology of the universe. You can program this body to believe what the mind believes but only for so long. This body is as strong and resilient (and patient) as the Earth.

The Earth will shake, The Wind will roar, The Fire will surge and the Water will flow. This is the natural expression of the Earth and we have to let go of the concept we are in control. Because we are not. We are gods and goddesses elsewhere, here we are humbly children in a human body. We volunteered for this. This is no accident. The war has always been for the collective attention and energy. And this is the Earth reminding us where we are. It is not going to get easier.

This is the time of waking up the muscles of change within ourselves. We have no more excuses worthy of your time and energy. We are not slaves to this system. It’s that precious moment of our evolution where we remember where we are, pull back our attention and fall into the flow of the Earth. Listen. Observe. See through the distractions. We will not be fooled into submission or apathy.

Much Love.

Sarah Baiada