Being the Black Sheep

The black sheep has an immense responsibility put on them, from themselves, to step out of the pack. They lead the family lineage into the next chapter of their ancestors’ journey.

It requires strength, courage, persistence, trust and grace. Not only have they chosen a path of self discovery, they are unveiling generations of trauma and opportunities for healing.

These people are the visionaries, healers, artists, creatives, architects, empaths, musicians and lovers. The ones that break the mould. Usually ostracized and made to feel different by families, especially those who are conservative and traditional. 

It can be subtle. Never truly feeling like you belong in the family you’re born into. Unconsciously spending much of your time trying to bridge that gap and ‘fit in’. If you’re reading this, there’s a reasonable chance you’ve experienced some of this.

Why does this role in the family exist?

To push the fold and continue the work of their ancestors.

A big part of it comes from suppression of the shadow and the unspoken. We have had generations upon generations of separation from the Earth. Many cultures have old wives tales and traditions but the whole mind, body and soul experience of being human has been separated.

Most cultures that held onto their traditions including deep philosophy, ancient knowledge and connection to all parts of the universe have been hunted and murdered. Horrendous acts that are still happening today. 

The presence of rebellion in the family is here to see through the illusion of socially enforced normality. Acknowledge the deep unseen love of the family unit and go to the places others aren’t brave enough to go. Representing the will of the collective ancestral wisdom to bring unity and love to all aspects of themselves.

The black sheep has always been here to push the evolution of the tribe. To explore new territory and bring through new ideas and ways of survival. The ones able to think creatively and take risks. This is how we evolve as a collective. The exploration of our global tribe is branching out in an overwhelming number of ways. Exposing us to deep suppression of shadows and unspoken. All reflecting back to us deeper elements of ourselves.  

There can be more than one black sheep in the family. Each person wears the cloak of their ancestors and projects them into this world in different ways depending on what filters they have adopted to perceive reality.

One may project a family mission of remembering love by developing self worth issues, while another may present as suppression in a relationship. All in an attempt to remember love. The families we are born into are no accident, no matter how hard it can be. The harder the situation may seem symbolises the capacity you hold to heal. 

To the Black Sheep…

Please don’t get lost in the illusion of separation. You are not alone. You never have been and never will be. You are whole and perfect. Every part of you. Fall in love with every aspect of you. You are not here to fix or heal anyone.

Acknowledge your part in creating your life, thank it and let it go. You are powerful beyond belief and you are capable of everything your heart desires. Love yourself. Show gratitude. Feel it. Find the humour in it all and marvel at this cosmic joke. You are love.

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Sarah Baiada