"I have a deep connection with the Earth"

Hi, I’m Sarah 

I help people connect back into themselves and the planet. I have a unique skillset that helps me notice the unnoticed. To see the space between the matter and live a normal balanced life. I have been like this since I was born and will continue exploring and discovering new curiosities until I die. I have always gone down the road less traveled and have met the most incredible people along the way. 

I help normalise the weird experiences people have. No one fits into a box yet we are expected to. I see people in their true form, their hearts and honour the whole version that they are. I see the layers of filters and stories they have created to keep safe and remind them of their strength, courage and persistence to stand true in their bodies. 

I have a deep connection with the Earth and travel her grids to make deep connections with myself. I am guided by her and all aspects of myself. I listen to where I can assist and then continue on my journey. I keep most of my experiences to myself because they are sacred and meant to be interpreted by me. You won’t see them on social media and will occasionally share some with clients or at events when I’m guided to because it will assist someone present. I keep my mind in check as much as possible but occasionally get lost in the chaos of thoughts of the collective consciousness. I get triggered and experience extreme emotional states and then move on. 

What upsets me most about humanity is the lack of acknowledgement for the land we stand on and the traps we create for ourselves and think we don’t have our own keys. 

I believe we are in a revolution of sorts but it’s an individual experience that transforms us into unity with each other, the planet, the galaxies and the universe. We are not separate from each other yet we play in duality until each one of us is ready to let it go. 

Thank you for reading. 

So lovely to share this space with you. 

Much Love, 

Sarah Baiada